During our first days at Pasir Hitam we were mostly busy to settle down, discover things around and getting to know more local villagers. While waiting for our family glamping tent setting up, we slept 3 nights at the same tent where we cook and we still have our things everywhere. It was challenging as it rained every afternoon, our clothes don’t get dry well, the soil gets very sleepery and our kids cannot play too long outside even if they love rain shower.

Second morning

We slept here 3 nights
For cooking, we have only one kerosene cook stove, so Ninang made a quick “tungku batu”, a three stone fire to speed up things. Only when it rained hard, it kills the fire. For our second breakfast, Sven made some delicious crêpe. For Lunch, Ninang boiled some “makanan tanah” (cassava/manioc, taro roots, green banana) that we bought from passing farmers; She also grills freshly caught fish with some chilly sauce while Ike prepare our favorite Ketupat Santan (rice wrapped in coconut leaf and cooked in coconut milk).

Ninang preparing some ubi, bete (cassava, taro roots)

Sven making crêpe for breakfast 🙂

Ike making ketupat (rice in coconut milk and leaf) by the river

Cooking in the forest: “Tungku batu” three stone fire

Ikan bakar rica
For lunch we eat together at the beach, facing the ocean everything taste delicious ;). Then we all take a quick nap on the sand or on the hammock, before continue our work. For the afternoon tea time we usually have fried bananas or Ninang would make Apang bakar.


Fresh fish

Siestaaa 🙂

Apang bakar for afternoon snacks

Going back to the village
And when it start to get dark, everyone goes back to the village again, leaving Pasir Hitam only for our family. That second night was wonderful with a bright fullmoon shining the quiet bay. There were bats playing around, sometimes we could feel their soft wings passing by our ears.
The sound of the sea, the flowing river, the soft winds blowing the forest, the birds, the singing crickets and the silence.. was all luxury.

Fullmoon bright shining the bay