Sam and Dan loves travelling but unlike Sven, they are not that interested with the tropics and the sea. Anyway, they decided to come to Pasir Hitam to spent some time together with us and the kids. Travelling from Switzerland was long. Sven was already at Pasir hitam, Sam and Dan came together with Belgis and the kids a week later. They left Zurich with Singapore airlines on a Thursday morning for 12 hours flight to Singapore then after a few hours stop they continue to Manado for 3 and a half hours flight. They spent a night at Novotel Manado and the next morning they took another domestic flight from Manado to Morotai. From the airport they took a car for about an hour then Bilolo came to pick them up for 15 minutes to Pasir Hitam. They are safe and sound at Pasir Hitam on a Saturday afternoon.

In Pasir Hitam, Sam and Dan choose to stay in the tent we had last year. We have had to change the bamboo platform from last year because it was already broken.

It is actually the second time in their life to go on camping, a kind of adventure! Shower by the river, eating fish and other local food everday, no electricity and fall asleep to a gentle waves and forest sound.

Most of the time Sam and Dan spent time relaxing, playing with Liam and Tara on the beach. They also visitted the village of Posi-Posi Rao where Belgis was born. One afternoon the also went for a hike to the nearby waterfall and visit the local plantation of nutmeg and cloves. They said they had a great time 🙂